Welcome to Spirk, DogSite’s official group for everything related to Kirk/Spock! We encourage you to submit your original artwork to the gallery and suggest your favorites as well.
This mostly serves as a folder to look at Dog Spirk Fan Content.
All art must portray some aspect of Kirk and Spock's relationship. Friendship is fine too, but it must include both of them. No pictures of just Kirk or just Spock, please.
Artwirks in the Featured folder are choosen by admins, based on their idea, presentation and overall quality. Please don't be offended if your submission doesn't make it, we love and appreciate all your artwork!
Mature content is alright as long as it's tasteful. (Keep the DS Terms of Service in mind.) Admins will have the final say on what is permissible.
Art must be original work. We prefer drawings/paintings/fan fiction etc.
We don't accept lineart which has been done by another individual and colored by you into our gallery for reasons of artist’s permission and wanting to limit duplicate work. Please submit linart that you have colored to the Favorites gallery instead. Obviously you may submit your own lineart that you have colored yourself, even if the lineart is already in the gallery.
Any deviations which use screenshots must show originality. Captions/demotivationals should use quality images and text should be creative. Wallpapers, icons, and photomanipulations should show effort - Don't add text to a screenshot and call it a wallpaper without doing something else to the screenshot first. We also prefer it if you do more than take a screenshot of Kirk and Spock, scoot them two inches closer and call it a photomanip.
If you become a member, please add your own artworks to the Gallery - even if it's already here, among the Favourites.